Walk-On Paintball Games / Open Play
Join Other Players With Walk-On Games
Walk-On Games are great for single players, small groups, and even large groups. Show up any time during our walk-on game play days and we'll put you in a game with other walk-on players. Play as many games as you like - No time limit.
Standard Walk-On Games
Splat Tag's Standard Walk-on Games are for all levels of experience, ages 10 and up. Players may play with their own equipment or with Splat Tag rental gear.
Days and Times
December Walk-on Open Game dates based on weather
- Dec 14 Saturday - 11:30am to 4:30pm - Special $10 entry
- Dec 15 Sunday - No Walk-on Game
- Dec 28 Saturday - 11:30am to 4:30pm - Special $10 entry and free use of rental gear.
- More TBA
December through February. Winter walk-on games are base on weather. We will post on FB every Wednesday if we will be open that coming weekend. Splat Tag Paintball Park Facebook Page.
NOTE: Splat Tag occasionally hosts Special Events/Big Games in place of standard Open Games. Special Events and Big Games are like Open Games, but with larger teams and higher entry fees. Please check out our Calendar for Special Events and Big Game dates.
- All players must sign a waiver.
- Everyone plays with other players and groups.
- 10 years old and up can play (Low Intensity available for players 8 years old and up) See Private Groups.
- All paintballs must be purchased from Splat Tag
- All players must abide by Splat Tag Rules/Code of Conduct
Pricing and Rental
Entry Fee
$20 in per person(+ tax)
Entry Fee is for one day of Walk-On Games.
Entry Fee Includes:
- Field admission
- Play all day, come & go anytime. Games are around 15-30 min.
- Unlimited games.
- Air refills
- Referee Supervision
Equipment Rental Pkg.
$10 per person(+ tax)
Equipment rental is for one day of use.
Rental Package Includes:
- Marking gun (Tippmann Stormer)
- Goggles w/full facemask
- Air fills to power paintball gun
- Tippmann A-5 Marker - Extra $10
- Etek Marker - Extra $20
- 100 paintballs - $6
- 500 paintballs $20
- 2000 paintballs $65
- Pro level paintballs (2000) $75
FPO (Field Paint Only)
Players can not bring their own paintballs.
Paintballs must be purchased from Splat Tag.
For Sale
- Paint Grenade $12
- Smoke Grenades $10
- Splat Tag Paintball T-shirt (M, L, XL, 2XL)*OUT*
- Disposable overalls *OUT*
Splat Tag also has a small supply depot on site:
- Markers
- HP tanks
- Remote lines
- Goggles
- Other miscellaneous items (barrel covers, gloves, etc.)
For Rent Individual Items
- Goggles w/full facemask $5
- HP Air Tank (includes air refills) $5
- Pod pack w/belt for carrying extra paintballs $5
- Marking gun(Tippmann Stormer) $5
- Marking gun (Tippmann Stormer) + Goggles w/full facemask + HP air tank $10
- Upgrade Marker (Tippmann A-5) $15
- Upgrade Marker (Etek) $25
Food & Beverages
Splat Tag has soda, bottled water, chips and candy avilable for purchase. Food available Saturday and Sunday only. Splat Tag also has grills on-site for customer use. No alcoholic beverages allowed.
One-Year Pass

Splat Tag Giant Paintball Park™ One Year Pass GOLD
All pass holders recieve:
- Free Entry into all Open Games
- Free Entry into last Sunday of the month Jungle Rumble™
- Free Entry into all GIANT PAINTBALL GAMES™!
One year members receive 2000 Free paintballs with every private group of 10 players or more they book!
Does not include all events. Does not include tournament events, charity events and other special events.
One Year Pass is good for one year starting from purchase date.
One year single membership $195
Buy One Year Pass